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Slim Artificial Christmas Trees: Magical Unicorn Theme

What is one type of character that is being seen on the market, from young kids to adults? Unicorns! These are mythical creatures, but what attracts people is how this is something that is magical. It may not be real, but it creates that sense of wonderment that everyone wants to feel. And what is more wonder-like than Christmas?! This is why combining unicorns with slim artificial Christmas trees… makes the magic go even further than just including Santa.

Discover the Enchanting World of Slim Artificial Christmas Trees: The Magical Unicorn Theme

With this being said, how can you use unicorns on your slim artificial Christmas trees? There are several ways that people are embracing this. Here are a few ideas below:

1. Combine unicorns and Santa. Who says that you have to have Santa with his reindeers…maybe Santa has upgraded to using unicorns this Christmas season.

2. Since unicorns are so popular, you are going to find that there are tons of ornaments that you can use on these slim artificial Christmas trees. You can take this a step further and use garland in rainbow colours and drape these throughout the tree to make the unicorns come to life.

3. Use a unicorn topper…you can buy these or make them, but you will find that these unicorn toppers are just a great way to show your theme on your tree.

4. Don’t forget that you can fill the negative space on a tree with different colored bulb ornaments on the tree. We suggest that you use colors that are corresponding to the unicorn mane colors.

Is a unicorn theme for you? If you love unicorns, then yes. If you have kids that love unicorns, this can be a huge theme that they end up loving and always remembering for years to come. This is magical, and for many Christmas is all about the magic.