The struggle to say thank you in the best way is not a recent phenomenon in any way. It has been for ages now! From sending text messages to doing this through phone calls or via emails, a lot of means have been designed over time. Every one of these media will say thank you at the end of the day. But they will not do so as well as a note will. A handwritten note spells out the intentionality. You sat and took your time to pen it down. That proves worth!

Many face the struggle at the point where they want to begin their thank you notes. For others, it is how well they can develop enough and concise content. Whatever the struggle is, I present a perfectly working template to deal with this. It is divided into three parts:

•    WHO?

•    WHAT?

•    WHEN?

The first thing you have to do is to create a list containing every single person you owe a thanks. Every single person that in any way contributed to you enjoying your year. Those that helped you plan your Christmas celebration in different ways. Make a list WHOs.

The second part is to know what exactly will make up your content. What will you write? Start with the greetings.

Then, go on to express your appreciation.

Add essential details also that are particular to each of those persons.

Also, state that you look forward to seeing them again.

Say your thank you again!

Then end with a show of regard!

Lastly, the time is what is meant by the when. Your notes should be sent out as quickly as possible. Your thank-you notes should be out there before one month.

Now, you should be able to write those thank you notes better!

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