A little girl’s letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

     Mom says I have to be a good girl for you, so I have spent the last three hundred and sixty days being good. I know mom complains sometimes, but I am trying to be a good girl for you. Thank you for the gift you got me last Christmas. I love it! My friends at school say I got the best gift for Christmas. It seems to me that I was a perfect girl before last Christmas. Mom has not yelled at me since last week; I hope that means that I’ve been a good girl.

      Santa, I am writing earlier than I have ever done, maybe because I want a lot of things this Christmas. I want new shoes; I want them to be red with a pair of white socks to go. I want mom to bake more cakes and cookies this Christmas; there is a family down the street that I would love us to share some with. I want my aunt to come home this Christmas, mom says she’s swamped, but I want to see her. I would be a good girl, just let her come.

      I want my other aunt to come too. Please, let her remember that I am big now, don’t let her buy me baby clothes that we will have to return. My dad needs a new jack for his car; he had to stay out late because of one night during the last week, his carjack refused to work. Bring my mom some beautiful flowery gowns that would make her look so young my friends would ask if she was my sister. I hope my best friend, Rae, enjoys this holiday with her family.

     Santa, I wish to have a little brother so I can carry him instead of my many dolls. Don’t forget that I love dolls; I would want some this Christmas.

Dear Santa, thank you.

Read all about DIY Christmas Lights here